Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Own Philosophy View In Education

My philosophy in education actually is very different from the one set up by the Education Ministry. My aim in my education field is very simple that is to understand and motivate.

In ‘to understand’, my point is to make sure that the student that interested will really understand the knowledge and make a good use of it. So far, the education process I had gone through is something that related to memorizing and vomiting everything out during the exam. After the exam, all of the knowledge I learnt is just a piece of rubbish. This kind of process is what known as too exam oriented. My philosophy view in ‘to understand’ is to change the mindset of students from not being too exam oriented but to understand what a teacher teach to them.

In ‘motivate’, my point of view is to motivate my students to have the interest to study and learn far beyond the syllabus. In teaching and learning process, we cannot deny that there are students that do not interested to study. More or less it is not they do not want to but is because the teacher does not know how to spark or motivate his or her student to learn and study. My philosophy here is to motivate those so called low thinking ability students to learn and study not just to graduate with flying colours but really using the knowledge they learnt to a full use