Tuesday, July 13, 2010

teori pembelajaran...

ini agak menarikk...
teori pembelajaran

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

alkisah segala bermula daripada orang yang bernama kawanku...

wahai insan...
engkaulah kawanku...
engkaulah temanku...
engkaulah pemberi semangat

dalam diam...engkau...
menyebar fitnah seribu macam...
menyampaikan imaginasimu...
mendakwahkan halusinasi yang tak oernah wujud...

adakah aku ini diperbuat daripada batu...
adakah aku laki bermakna aku kuat?
adakah aku berbuat salah pada mu?
atau selama ini...engkau tidak pernah menganggapku sebagai manusia...

wahai insan...
aku juga manusia...
aku juga ada hati, ada darah, ada daging...
fitnahmu, ceritamu, halusinasimu...
pisau yang menguris hatiku...
duri yang menikam tembus jiwaku

wahai insan...
saya terima segalanya...
saya menganggap segala hanya satu mimpi...
mimpi yang menyedarkan saya...
mimpi yang menunjukkan diri engkau yang sebenar..

mimpi ini tidak akan saya lupa...
mimpi ini, mimpi saya hingga ke akhir zaman...
mimpi ini juga pencetus dendamku...
mimpi ini akan lenyap seiring dendam yang terbalas pada mu...

wahai insan...
trimalah segala daripada saya pada hari nanti...
janganlah engkau merungut...

sajak ini dibuat khas oleh saya kepada kawan saya (opss....bukan...pencetus batu api sepatutnya...)yang telah menyakitkan hati saya...harap si dia akan paham...

maaf yer kepada mereka yang termuntah sbb baca sajak yang ntah apa ini...saja nak luahkan perasaan....hik hik...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

This Is My Notes For Chemistry For Form 4

This is a chemistry note that i had work out when i was in Form 4. It is a compact notes and might not be suitable to be used nowadays...however i still wanted to share it.... I name it My Chemistry Note Form 4...

nota kimia


This is one of blog that i had created to write something about teaching. This including the teaching materials, teachings aids and some issues that i had come across.

It is not a complete E - Portfolio yet but i am confident that as the time passes, this site will be loaded with more and more information.

Actually, it is a site that i created for one of my Information and Technology in Biology coursework requirement.

However, i created this site sincerely....hope reader will enjoy it...

ICT In Biology - My Major Course

This semester, I had registered Information and Communication Technology in Biology course which is conducted by Associate Professor Dr Sopia Md Yassin. She has an assistant in conducting our course which is out tutor, Cik Siti Samsiah binti Sani. Other than that, we was taught by Mr Zunaidi to create this E - Protfolio and cam studio.

Toward the end of this course, i was more or less being impressed by all three of them about the world of Information and Communication Technology. As an individual that grown up without knowing what a computer is until the age of 15, i was quite a technophobic. Sometimes, I really feel using a computer is very stupid since sometimes it is not that effective with its sickness of 'hang up', 'virus infection' and 'malfunctioning battery'.

I still remember in my first semester, after I had bought a laptop and start to learn to use it. Well, it is interesting as I used it for games and word processing assignment. However, I face another problem to get connected to the wireless. For me, using the laptop is just making trouble around myself. It might help a little but not much.

Nightmare sprung out when I know that this semester I need to take the course of Information and Communication Technology in Biology. The proverbs of ' Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover'. Things just go differently throughout the course. I had learnt about the IWB (interactive whiteboard) which I found that it is very interesting. Not just that, I had to do the E - portfolio and learn to use the cam studio. All of it was so difficult for me at first.

As time passed by, I found that all the components introduce in this course was very simple to use. It is just a matter of understanding it and the process of working it out. So, after all technology was not as scary as I used to think so. As a result, I plan to make my student to open up themselves to accept the technology that introduced.

My Own Philosophy View In Education

My philosophy in education actually is very different from the one set up by the Education Ministry. My aim in my education field is very simple that is to understand and motivate.

In ‘to understand’, my point is to make sure that the student that interested will really understand the knowledge and make a good use of it. So far, the education process I had gone through is something that related to memorizing and vomiting everything out during the exam. After the exam, all of the knowledge I learnt is just a piece of rubbish. This kind of process is what known as too exam oriented. My philosophy view in ‘to understand’ is to change the mindset of students from not being too exam oriented but to understand what a teacher teach to them.

In ‘motivate’, my point of view is to motivate my students to have the interest to study and learn far beyond the syllabus. In teaching and learning process, we cannot deny that there are students that do not interested to study. More or less it is not they do not want to but is because the teacher does not know how to spark or motivate his or her student to learn and study. My philosophy here is to motivate those so called low thinking ability students to learn and study not just to graduate with flying colours but really using the knowledge they learnt to a full use

National Phylosophy Of Malaysia

Education in Malaysia is an on-going efforts towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually and physically balanced and harmonious based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well-being as well as able to contribute to the betterment of the family, society and the nation at large